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27 Dec 2015


Pada akhir penghujung tahun ini, para peserta didik tengah menikmati liburan akhir semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2015 -2016, yang sebelumnya didahului dengan kegiatan yang dinakaman Ujian Akhir semester yang sangat menguras tenaga dan pikiran. Kemudian diikuti dengan penyerahan laporan hasil belajar peserta didik dari pihak sekolah kepada orang tua. 

Setelah menerima laporan hasil belajar selama satu semester, tentu saja ada yang memperoleh prestasi yang sangat memuaskan dan ada juga yang kurang. Ada yang senang dan ada juga yang sedih karena prestasinya yang kurang beruntung.

Saya ucapkan selamat kepada peserta didik yang memperoleh prestasi bagus dan tetap semangat dalam mewujutkan impian dan harapan. Dan bagi yang belum beruntug jangan berkecil hati dan terus tetap semangat dalam belajar untuk meraih masa depan yang gemilang.

Berikut ini saya berikan soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester ganjil tahun 2015, yang mungkin menjadi salah satu pelajaran yang menyebabkan prestasi kalian belum beruntung. Untuk itu soal ini bisa diunduh di sini supaya bisa dilihat dan dicoba kembali di mana letak kekurangan dan kesalahannya.

Kamu juga bisa mengerjakan langsung secara online di bawah ini.

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25 Dec 2015

Soal UCUN Bahasa Inggris SMP

Berikut ini adalah soal latihan yang bisa dijadikan rujukan untuk mencoba dan menguji kemampuan dalam menghadapi UCUN tingkat SMP/MTs yang sudah tinggal beberapa hari lagi, sekaligus digunakan sebagai soal prediksi UJIAN NASIONAL 2015. 

Pada kesempatan kali ini blog PAZTIM akan membagikan soal UCUN. Untuk mendownload soal latihan UCUN, silahkan klik pada link di bawah:

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9 Dec 2015


Soal ini merupakan soal Ulangan Akhir Semester 1 Tahun Pelajaran 2015-2016 tingkat SMP Kelas VIII. Soal ini sengaja saya hadirkan di sini untuk memberikan latihan dan tugas tambahan kepada peserta didik supaya mencapai kompetensi yang diharapkan. Untuk memulai mengerjakan soal, tulis nama, kemudian 'klik' Start. Selamat mengerjakan!

Contoh Text Recount

I was 15 years old when I got a horrible experience. We have just move into our new house. One night we all went out for dinner and we came back around 8 0r 9 p.m.  Unlocked the door and I saw something strange. And I was the only one who saw it. It was so short like a tiny little goblin. It ran fast. It was in the living room and ran into another room in not even a second. I told my family about it but they didn’t believe me. My dad didn’t believe in such things.
            Another night I was trying to fall asleep when I felt something touch me on my left side near armpit. I jumped up and screamed. My parents came and calmed me down. They said it was only an insect. I tried to believe it and closed my eyes to sleep again.
A couple months later my dad asked me what strange thing I had seen I described it and he said he saw the same thing. He was in the kitchen making lunch and when he turned his head he caught a glimpse of something like goblin running into my brother’s room. He couldn’t believe the ghost so he thought maybe someone tried to break in. he grabbed the knife and went into the room. He found nothing at all. So after that he admitted that there were some ghosts in our house.

8 Dec 2015

Going to a Book Store

       Last week, I went to a book store with my brother. We wanted to buy some books and comics. We went there by a motorcycle. First we left home at 2 p.m. The traffic to the book store was not crowded. The book store was not so far from our house. After 25 minutes, we arrived at the book store.

       There many people at the book store. I saw there some people choosing kinds of books, magazines, comics, etc. there were many kinds of books at the book store. They were arranged on book shelves. Some people read in front of the shelves. We chose some books and comics we needed and went to cashier. After that we went to a restaurant for having meal. I order meat-balls and soft drink. My bother ordered fried noodle and a soft drink too.

       Finally we went home in the evening. We arrived home at 05.15 p.m. We felt very tired but we were happy.