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25 Feb 2010


Definition of Hypocrisy

Hypocrites are including people who do not receive guidance from God, so that his life is taken does not contain the value of worship, and all the charities that do not seek ridlo God, because of the spoken is not the same as what occurred in his heart, if the spoken white, maybe in his heart is green. This man is extremely dangerous in public life.

Hypocrites are people who duplicity, saying faith but their heart is broken. The act called nifaaq hypocrites. They believe only in the mouth alone. Everyday actions at birth seemed well and in accordance with religion, but charity they see themselves is only a formality. This means that all the charitable acts that do not upheld on the basis of faith and devotion to God, but only based on feelings and desires solely to search and view the sheer face. Any good deed is only used as a mask just to cover all the bad intent and intentions.

The properties of hypocrites
Among the signs of the hypocrites are:
1. Want to deceive God's power. As word of Allah in Surah Al-Baqoroh Verses 8-9, which means:
"And among mankind is he who says:" I believe in Allah and to the day later ", but they were really not people who believe. Fain would they deceive Allah and those who believe Oran, but they only deceive themselves, and they are not conscious. "
2. Gentiles prefer as leader. Allah says in the letter of An-Nisa verse 139, which means:
"... ... (They are) those who take disbelievers became friends helper by leaving believers. whether they find strength in the side of infidels? And, behold, all power belongs to God".
3. Not willing to arbitrate with the laws of Allah and His Messenger.
4. Lazy if uphold the prayer, but if you want to pray like showing off.
5. Lied when the said, violate the promise, betrayal.

Negative Impact People Hypocrisy For the life of society.
Prohibition Mensholatkan Bodies hypocrites.
The fate of hypocrites in the End.

16 Feb 2010



SMA Diponegoro 1 didirikan pada tahun 1963 dengan nomor SP. 151/101.1a/184 yang dikelola oleh Yayasan Al-Hidayah Jakarta Perguruan Diponegoro dengan jumlah peserta didik 800 siswa. SMA Diponegoro 1 merupakan sekolah swasta dengan status akreditasi A dari Badan Akreditasi Nasional dan telah meluluskan sebanyak 8.079 siswa yang tersebar diberbagai perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta serta dunia kerja.


Visi: Mempersiapkan peserta didk yang beriman, berilmu, berprestasi, berakhlak mulia serta berwawasan global.
  1. Meningkatkan iman dan taqwa, akhlak mulia serta ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.
  2. Melaksanakan pembelajaran secra aktif, inovatif, kreatif, dan menyenangkan.
  3. Menumbuhkembangkan potensi peserta didik melalui kegiatan-kegiatan sekolah.
  4. Mengembangkan budaya berprestasi dalam bidang akademik dan non-akademik.
  5. Berperab aktif dalam kegiatan lokal, nasional, dan internasional dalam berbagai bidang.


Kurikulum yang digunakan mengacu kepada kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) dengan menyelenggarakan pendidikan untuk jurusan IPA, IPS dan Bahasa. Proses Pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah Pembelajaran Aktif, Kreatif, efektif dan Menyenangkan (PAKEM).


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Tempat Pendaftaran
Sekretariat PSB Perguruan Diponegoro
Jl. Sunan Giri No. Rawamangun Jakarta Timur 13220
Telp: (021) 4759164

Waktu Pendaftaran
Setiap hari kerja (Senin s.d. Sabtu)
Pukul 07.00 s.d. 16.00 WIB

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  1. Membayar biaya pendaftaran daqn tes masuk penerimaan siswa baru tahun pelajaran 2010 -2011 sebesar Rp. 150.000 (Seratus Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah).
  2. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran.
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  4. Fotokopi rapor SMP/Ts sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar.
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  6. Fotokopi ijazah dan SKHUN yang telah dilegalisasi sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar.


Tahap I
Tahap II

7 Feb 2010


Understanding polytheists

Polytheists are those who associate God, acknowledge the existence of God but Allah, or align something with God. The act is called shirk. Shirk is the greatest sin, therefore we should avoid acts which plunged the act / deliver to shirk. In this regard Allah Ta'ala says, which means:
"Remember when Luqman said to his son, at a time when he gave a lesson to him: O my son! Do you ascribe Allah, Allah divinities is truly a great injustice." (Al-Quran S. Luqman: 13)

So the polytheists are those who associate God in the form proves, speech or in the form of charitable deeds. They become creatures that God created is good in the form of objects or human beings as God, and make it as Andad, Alilah, taghout and Arbab.

Pagans did not receive guidance from God, so that his life was lost, like nerjalan pitch-black night.

Classification Shirk
To worship anything besides Allah
To worship God is something jams including shirk the most weight and height. They worship the objects, sculpture, stone, wood-akyu, tombs, and even human beings and so forth. They believe that these things can bring good and benefit.

Divinities God

Divinities God means trusting that things other than God has the attributes that exist in God. For example, schools of the Trinity according to Christian religious beliefs and understand Trine according to Hindu religious beliefs.

Human deify
Deify humans are included shirk Drive. In the teachings of Science of Tawheed too revere, idolize, and menkultuskan someone was called Ghuluwwun. That is excessive in degree glorify and exalt the creature that was placed in a position which is not properly occupy that position except Allah.

Shirk Dangers
Shirk was very dangerous in people's lives when in the world. Because it can make life even become dark and hearts gone astray, the mind becomes stunted, passive, can not be developed in accordance with the speed of time. Effect of shirk worldview that trace into the outward behavior and attitudes. Shirk make people lose grip and lose confidence.

Shirk is a great sin will not inherit God's mercy be exalted. besides the sin of shirk, in the hands of God alone guarantees that forgiveness. If He may forgive are forgiven, and if He wills punishment, then he was tortured.